суббота, 12 января 2013 г.

Typical things of the USA

The USA is a relatively young country but it has a great amount of things which almost everybody in the world knows (порядок слов).
Of course there are lots of geographical places. I think that the most popular city is New-York. It's located on the east (с прописной буквы, а не заглавной) coast of the USA. Huge skyscrapers (spelling), beautiful parks, rich people represent economic success of the USA.
In (не for) less than 300 (не 3 hundred) years America brought many important and talented people: the inventor Samuel Morse, the musician Louis Armstrong, the filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock, the boxer Muhammad Ali and so on. It shows that even a short period of history can (не could) give great people ever???.
No doubt that jeans are the greatest invention of America. Originally they were clothes of cowboys but later they became very popular among people from all over the world (не other world).
Also America is a cradle of fastfood and Mcdonalds is the most recognizable mind image of the USA. Moreover, this brand was so successful in America that it penetrated into (не covered) almost every place on the planet.

So America has many popular symbols. Some of them are not encouraged by many people and others represent industry standard. And anyway it's great achievement of people of America.

суббота, 10 ноября 2012 г.

Interview questions

Are you an organized person?
I think so. Of course it depends on priority of task. I can change my time schedule due to important problem.

Do you manage your time well?
Yes. It's very important for me. Time is too expensive to forget about it.

How do you handle change?
I used to changes around me and I dislike when something is too stable. I think it's not normal. Everything should evolve. Moreover I think that negative changes involve positive changes.

Do you work well under pressure?
It depends on pressure. If man constantly during the day asks me "When will you finish? It's very important." it just distracts me from work. But if pressure is great responsibilities it's Ok. Every worker should carry the responsibility.

пятница, 9 ноября 2012 г.

Interview questions

If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be and why?
Honestly speaking, I have several things which I want to change. One of them relates to work and I think it's most important. It's attitude to time schedule during work time. Sometimes I can go sleep very late due some problem which I just can't leave in incomplete state. Therefore I wake up very late. Also I can miss dinner time or some meeting. Of course I love my work but missing meeting with friends is bad thing.

воскресенье, 4 ноября 2012 г.

Words and expressions

faithful - добросовестный
abruptly - вдруг, внезапно
retain - сохранять, удерживать(удерживать курс рубля)
to leverage - использовать (с выгодой для себя)
likewise - так же, подобно
ultimately - в конце концов, в конечном счете
constrain - заставлять, принуждать
immense - огромный, необьятный(the immense and boundless universe)
alternate - альтернатива, вариан, сменять друг друга(Sunny weather alternated with rain.)

суббота, 3 ноября 2012 г.

Interview questions

What do you want to be doing five years from now?
Next five years should be interesting! Firstly, I want to find full-time job in an exipirienced team. It's very important for me, because I think that man can evolve only inside well developed environment. Now I'm interested in mobile development, maybe in a few years I will be interested in console games development. Also I have several ideas which I want to realise. And my plan for next years includes many journeys. I want to visit North and South Americas and Asian countries.

What does success mean to you?
Success for me is achieving aims.

Words and expressions

consistent - совместимый, согласующийся(consistent palette)to contribute - делать вклад, содействовать(they contribute greatly to the overall atmosphere)
to facilitate - облегчать, способствовать (Hexadecimal codes can be converted to decimal to facilitate more discussion)
intense - интенсивный, насыщенный(о цвете)
no longer - уже не, больше не (it no longer uses the RGB components)
the heart of the matter - суть, дела, суть вопроса(enter the heart of the matter: the creation of a palette)
Broadly speaking - грубо говоря
perception - восприятие, ощущение
regarding - относительно; касательно(Just some thoughts regarding our perception of developer tooling)
curious - любопытный(I hope you are a curious programmer)

пятница, 2 ноября 2012 г.

Word and expressions

disposal - право распоряжаться (Everything at this room at your disposal.)
to eliminate - устранять, ликвидировать
consistent - непротиворечивый, согласующийся
evaluate - оценивать
remainder - остаток
brevity - сжатость краткость
funnel - воронка
judicious - благоразумный (It would be judicious to remain silent.)
intention - намерение, замысел( Have you heard of her intention to resign?)
infamous - позорный, постыдный